California Custom Labels

Welcome to Southwest Label & Printing, where weCalifornia Custom Labels specialize in California Custom Labels. Established in 2002, we have more than a decade and a half of experience in the labeling industry. We use our years of experience and printing expertise to help companies in California and beyond produce the best custom labels possible.

Whatever product you create, we can make the perfect custom labels to match. We have served a broad range of companies in California including those in the food, drink, vitamin, security, hospitality, automotive, animal care, and electronics industries.

To get started on your California Custom Labels, all you need to do is give us a call at 480-927-0274. You can also reach us online by clicking the “Request a Quote” button.

Everything You Need to Know about Our California Custom Labels

California Custom LabelsIf this is your first time working with us, you might have a few questions about custom labels and printing in California, the services we provide, etc. Here’s a bit more information to help you understand what to expect when you work with the experts at Southwest Label & Printing.

What Type of Materials Do You Offer?

To best serve the needs of our clients, we provide a broad array of materials for custom labels in California. We carry all of the most widely used custom label materials such as matte, litho, high-gloss, and semi-gloss.

We also offer mylar, vinyl, direct transfer, thermal transfer labels, and more. If there’s a material you’re interested in for your custom labels, just ask – chances are we carry it!

Where Do You Get Your Materials From?

At Southwest Label & Printing, we’re committed to providing our customers with high-quality California labels. Because of this commitment, we’re very selective when it comes to sourcing materials for our California labels; we choose only the very best papers, films, and inks from manufacturers located in the United States.

Is There Any Limit on the Colors I Can Use?

You’d be astounded at the number of colors we can reproduce for labels! In fact, we can recreate any color that’s contained within the Pantone matching system. That even includes odd custom hues like fluorescent or metallic colors.

What Size of Containers Can You Accommodate?

Our equipment is capable of producing custom labels inCalifornia Custom Labels California in a variety of sizes ranging from teeny tiny to humongous. Believe it or not, the largest custom labels we can accommodate is a whopping 13 by 27 inches! Those are big labels!

What About Shape? Do My Labels Have to Be Rectangular?

Absolutely not – you’re not limited to just a simple rectangle. If it’s an oval, triangle, or octagon you want, we can make it. We can even produce custom die-cut custom labels that are created to your exact specification.

What If I Can’t Decide on Concept for the Labels?

Choosing custom labels that perfectly reflects your product and brand in California can be challenging. If you and your team have been deliberating over design choices but are having trouble making decisions, let us help.

We have experts on staff with years of custom label design experience. Our team can work with you to create label that are eye-catching, custom, informative, and brand-appropriate. If you need help designing your labels, feel free to give us a call at 480-927-0274.

Does Customization Really Matter?

The short answer is yes – customization does matter. Labels are so much more than just information provided to the consumer. The label you use is your California in-store salesman; it’s your best chance at catching the consumer’s eye and convincing them to buy.

If you settle for plain labels that you’ve put little thought into, what does that say about your product? Do you think a consumer passing by will be tempted to pick up a product with an unattractive label on the front?

No, of course not. Your custom labels need to speak. It needs to tell the potential customer exactly what your product is. And that is accomplished by customization – through label shape, size, color, material, fonts, verbiage, etc.

How Much Do California Custom Labels Cost?

At Southwest Label & Printing, we do all we can to produce high-quality labels at affordable rates. The cost of our California custom labels can vary considerably depending upon the material you choose, the size of the label, the quantity printed, etc. If you’d like to get a specific rate for your upcoming project, we invite you to click on the “Request a Quote” button located at the top of the page or call 480-927-0274.