Arizona Custom Label Making

Southwest Label & Printing is a full-service label supplier located in Tempe, Arizona. We provide our clients with a wide array of high-quality materials, printing capabilities, and expertise to meet all their Arizona Custom Label Making needs.

No matter what type of product you offer – food, drink, industrial, vitamins, beauty, etc. – we can deliver eye-catching labels that will help spark and retain consumer interest. In addition to printing labels, we can also work with you on label design, helping you to create a label that you love.

If you’d like to talk to us about your next labeling project, feel free to give us a call at 480-927-0274. If you prefer to communicate by e-mail, we can be reached at

Using Arizona Custom Label Making and Packaging to Improve Your Sales

The importance of having high-quality containers and labels can not be overstated – they’re an absolute necessity. Packaging and labeling do so much more than just hold a product and provide consumers with information about it.

Containers and labels are marketing tools. They can be used to attract a potential buyer, help them evaluate the product, and encourage them to make a purchase. Here are a few tips on how to use labeling and packaging to improve your sales:

  1. Choose Packaging that Complements Your Product

Arizona Custom Label Making

Before you even start designing your labels, you need to decide what type of package your product will be offered in. There are a number of considerations to keep in mind when choosing your packaging.

For starters, you need to think about shelf life. Many products, such as vitamins, food, beverages, cosmetics, etc., have a limited shelf life. You need to select a container that will maximize your shelf life without breaking the bank.

You also need to consider the consistency of your product. If it’s a liquid, you probably won’t be offering it in a box. If it’s a powder, a bottle would make it difficult to dispense the product. Choose a container that will allow for efficient storage and easy access to the product.

Even though you have to be practical when it comes to packaging, you can also get a bit creative if you’d like. Remember that you can communicate with consumers using packaging. If you want to draw attention to your product, you could try using a package that is oddly shaped or a unique color.

For example, if you sell honey, you could use a clear glass bottle in the shape of a honey comb or bee hive. Or if your product is a high-end specialty lemon curd, you might select a jar that’s bright yellow – the exact color that people associate with lemons. If consumers automatically associate your package with the product itself, it makes your product more memorable and increases the likelihood that the item will sell.

  1. Take Time to Craft Your Message

Labeling requires more than just slapping a piece of paper on a container. You need to put a considerable amount of thought into your message before creating your label.

Think about this: What type of message do you want to convey to potential buyers? What kind of impression do you want your product to make? What’s the best way to let your buyers know what to expect when they purchase your product?

In other words, let your label speak for you. For example, if you sell chocolate chip cookies that are better than mom used to make, you could have a woman on the label wearing an apron holding a pan of hot cookies fresh from the oven. Or if you provide a kiwi juice drink, your label could show a kiwi sliced in half with a droplet of juice dripping down.

  1. Work with a Professional Designer

Arizona Custom Label MakingYour label and packaging are the first thing that customers notice about your product – and you only have a few seconds to catch their attention before they move on to something else. That’s why it’s important to make a powerful first impression. And to do that, you need professionally designed labels.

You might be tempted to try and cut costs by designing the labels yourself, but you’re doing a disservice to your product and wasting your resources. Working with a professional label designer is well worth the investment.

When you hire a label designer, that doesn’t mean you have to give up creative control. Just tell the designer what you have in mind; with their years of experience and expertise, they can take your ideas and make them reality. If they see any issues with the label design you’ve suggested, they can offer alternatives that might be more consumer-friendly.

Call Us for Arizona Custom Label Making

If you’re looking for a company to work alongside you and help you create the very best label for your product, then look no further – Southwest Label & Printing is the company to call. We’d love to talk to you about all the labeling options we offer. To start the conversation, just call 480-927-0274 or click on the “Request a Quote” button on the top of this page. We look forward to speaking with you soon!

Arizona Custom Food Labels

Southwest Label & Printing is your source for Arizona Custom Food Labels. With more than 15 years in the industry, our experts know what it takes to create high-quality labels that meet the FDA’s standards for food labeling while also attracting consumers.

We offer a wide range of options to suit whatever label preferences you have. Whether you want EDP, matte, semi-gloss, high-gloss, thermal transfer, or direct transfer papers, we’ve got what you need. We also carry a wide range of films including those made from vinyl, polyester, mylar, polypropylene, polyethylene, and more.

And you can count on the quality of the materials we provide; you won’t find any cheap, subpar materials here. All of our papers, films, and other materials are sourced from reliable companies right here in the US of A.

If you’d like to place an order for Arizona Custom Food Labels, all you need to do is click the “request a quote” button at the top of the page. Or if you prefer talking to us directly over the phone, feel free to give us a call at 480-927-0274.

What Information Should be on my Arizona Custom Food Labels?

Arizona Custom Food Labels

Food labeling can be a tricky business. Every food product offered in the United States is governed by rules set in place by the Food and Drug Administration. Before you send your label proof to the printers, you have to be sure that it contains all the necessary information to meet the FDA’s regulations.

To help you understand a bit more about what the FDA requires, we’ve provided a brief list of what to include below:

  1. A Clear Statement of Identity

All custom food labels must contain a statement of identity. It may sound fancy, but a statement of identity is the legal way of saying “tell people what your product is.” And let’s be honest, what company wouldn’t want to classify their product clearly?

You wouldn’t want customers picking up your product in the grocery store thinking that it’s salsa only to later discover that it’s tomato sauce, would you? Of course not! You’d end up with a lot of angry people that way.

So follow your logic, and the FDA requirements, and clearly state on the label what it is you’re selling.

  1. The Net Weight of the Product

The FDA requires that the weight of the product be prominently placed on the lower 30% of your Arizona Custom Food Labels. The weight listed only includes the amount of product within the package – it does not take into account the container itself.

  1. A Comprehensive List of Ingredients

In addition to identifying your product and including the weight, you also need to list every single ingredient contained within. It doesn’t matter how large or small the quantity is, every ingredient must be named.

The order for listing ingredients is done by amount. If you make a hot cocoa that’s 48% sugar, 46% cocoa, 5% nonfat dried milk powder, and 1% salt, then you need to place the ingredients in that order on the label.

You also need to make sure you declare any allergens that are included in the product. In the hot chocolate example above, you would have to state that it contains milk, a common allergen. Other allergens that must be labeled include soy, tree nuts, eggs, fish, shellfish, and wheat.

  1. An Accurate and Thorough Nutritional Facts Chart

Arizona Custom Food Labels

  • how large each serving size is
  • how many calories the product contains
  • the amount of fat that’s in each serving
  • how much protein it contains
  • how many carbs are included
  • how many grams of sugar are contained in the product
  • how much fiber is included in each serving
  • the amount of sodium per serving
  • whether the product contains any significant amounts of calcium, iron, vitamin A, or vitamin C

The label needs to be as accurate as possible to allow consumers to make informed product choices.

  1. Address of the Manufacturer

In order to enable traceability, the FDA requires that the manufacturer’s address be included on the label. This information is especially helpful in case any food contamination issues occur.

Call Southwest Label & Printing for Any Arizona Custom Food Labels Questions

The guidelines provided above are by no means exhaustive, but they should give you a better idea of the kind of information you need to include on your label. If you have any questions about labeling requirements, we invite you to talk the experts at Southwest Label & Printing. We can be reached by phone at 480-927-0274 or though the contact form on our website.